Valour Hedera (HBAR) is an exchange-traded product tracking the price of HBAR, the native token of the Hedera network which stands out for its high performance, low latency, and robust security, making it suitable for enterprise-level applications. Hedera aims for interoperability with other blockchain networks, offering seamless integration and communication capabilities.
Valour Hedera (HBAR) is an exchange-traded product tracking the price of HBAR, the native token of the Hedera network which stands out for its high performance, low latency, and robust security, making it suitable for enterprise-level applications. Hedera aims for interoperability with other blockchain networks, offering seamless integration and communication capabilities.
- Valour Hedera
- Valour Inc.
- 2.5%
- CH1213604528
- 121360452
- A4AGH0
- Open-ended