Valour Binance (BNB) is an exchange-traded product tracking the price of BNB, the native cryptocurrency issued by the Binance exchange and running on the Binance chain. It can be used for payments on transaction fees (on the Binance Chain), travel bookings, entertainment, online services, and other financial services. Valour Binance (BNB) makes investment in this ecosystem simple, secure and cost-effective, available for purchase on regulated stock exchanges via any bank or broker.
Valour Binance (BNB) is an exchange-traded product tracking the price of BNB, the native cryptocurrency issued by the Binance exchange and running on the Binance chain. It can be used for payments on transaction fees (on the Binance Chain), travel bookings, entertainment, online services, and other financial services. Valour Binance (BNB) makes investment in this ecosystem simple, secure and cost-effective, available for purchase on regulated stock exchanges via any bank or broker.
- Valour Binance
- Valour Inc.
- 1.9%
- CH1149139672
- 114913967
- A3G0SP
- Open-ended