Valour Enjin is an exchange-traded product tracking the price of ENJ, an Ethereum token that aims to “make it easy for individuals, businesses, and brands to use non-fungible tokens (NFTs).” ENJ is used to directly back the value of NFTs minted within the Enjin ecosystem. Valour Enjin (EJN) ETP makes investment in this ecosystem simple, secure and cost-effective, available for purchase on regulated stock exchanges via a bank or broker.
Valour Enjin is an exchange-traded product tracking the price of ENJ, an Ethereum token that aims to “make it easy for individuals, businesses, and brands to use non-fungible tokens (NFTs).” ENJ is used to directly back the value of NFTs minted within the Enjin ecosystem. Valour Enjin (EJN) ETP makes investment in this ecosystem simple, secure and cost-effective, available for purchase on regulated stock exchanges via a bank or broker.
- Valour Enjin
- Valour Inc.
- 1.9%
- CH1149139656
- 114913965
- A3GYZ7
- Open-ended